

Con­sumers have high expec­ta­tions of fruit and veg­eta­bles, they want to buy per­fect goods. Pota­toes whose skin is dam­aged or apples with bruis­es? They rarely make it into the shop­ping cart. For many buy­ers, appear­ance is syn­ony­mous with qual­i­ty and taste. The har­vest must there­fore get from the field to the shops with­out damage. 

Pre­vi­ous­ly used steel car­ri­ers are too hard and can cause pres­sure marks and scrapes on the crop. In order to avoid this, we have devel­oped sieve bar belts with rub­ber­ized dri­vers for the agri­cul­tur­al indus­try, which enable the gen­tle trans­port of the crops. The dri­vers are used in pota­to har­vesters, for exam­ple. 

The JÄGER GROUP offers indi­vid­u­al­ly adapt­ed elas­tomer com­pounds for dri­vers and con­vey­or belts, which pro­tect the crop. Fur­ther­more, the light mate­r­i­al also reduces the weight of the har­vest­ing machines – the machines need less fuel and are there­fore more envi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly.

Our flights can be divid­ed into five categories: 


The RFL flight is an extrud­ed rub­ber pro­file. A type des­ig­na­tion is assigned to each RFL flgi­hts (e.g. RFL 50 LF). The num­ber gives infor­ma­tion about the height of the pro­file, mea­sured from the mid­dle of the mem­ber. The des­ig­na­tion LF means that the dri­ver is addi­tion­al­ly pro­vid­ed with a lip on the upper side. The lip has a damp­ing effect. The crop is thus pro­tect­ed from dam­age when falling onto the ele­va­tor belt. 

The pro­files are cut to length accord­ing to the order and can also be fit­ted with side wings on request. If the car­ri­er is to be used for a gear wheel run, it must be secured against lat­er­al slip­ping. This is usu­al­ly done by attach­ing a wire clamp in a recess made for this purpose.



The MRF flights con­sists of rub­ber vul­can­ized onto a rod with a diam­e­ter of 8 or 10 mm. The dri­vers are avail­able in two dif­fer­ent heights: 

MRF 60
60 mm height, mea­sured from the top of the bar 

MRF 80
80 mm height, mea­sured from the top of the bar 

The MRF flights are man­u­fac­tured with side wings as stan­dard. On request these side wings can be cut to the required strip width. 

The length of the top and bot­tom side are always in a cer­tain rela­tion to each oth­er. The min­i­mum and max­i­mum avail­able lengths can be found in the table about MRF flights. If the car­ri­er is required for a three-belt belt, a recess is pro­vid­ed in the area of the mid­dle belt. The cor­re­spond­ing gear run has also been tak­en into account.



This cat­e­go­ry includes var­i­ous designs rang­ing from sim­ple flat bars weld­ed onto a riv­et rod to con­struc­tions in 2- to 6‑row sug­ar beet har­vesters. The BR type is main­ly used on sieve rod belts in sug­ar beet har­vesters. 

The basic con­struc­tion is a tube which is mount­ed with over­size over two half rods. The dri­ver ver­sion is mount­ed on this. The two half rods and the sup­port rod are usu­al­ly sup­plied in ther­mal­ly hard­ened design. The met­al bends and fin­gers can be weld­ed onto the tube in any desired length, diam­e­ter and shape. 

The BR type dri­ver is avail­able in two basic types: 
BR 75 type
con­tin­u­ous tube with cen­tral clamp­ing pin to pre­vent lat­er­al dis­place­ment. 

BR 77 Type
split tube fixed in the mid­dle with a bolt. 

The two half bars and the sup­port bar can be rub­ber­ized to reduce the play between the bars, damp the tube and reduce the wear of the met­al parts. All our types of dri­vers can be found in our catalogue.


The plas­tic flights are man­u­fac­tured in a mold by means of injec­tion mold­ing. Due to the pro­duc­tion method, each dri­ver has a fixed dimen­sion, only the plas­tic flights 645 (9 fin­gers) with a length of 645 mm can be short­ened to the desired length. The plas­tic dri­vers have been devel­oped to replace iron dri­vers on trans­fer belts in sug­ar beet har­vesters. In addi­tion to its light weight, plas­tic has the advan­tage of being able to with­stand rel­a­tive­ly high bend­ing and pres­sure loads as well as shocks. 

The plas­tic flights 460 (7 fin­gers) is made of hard and tough plas­tic and is usu­al­ly used on a bunker unload­ing con­vey­or in a sug­ar beet har­vester. This dri­ver has a stan­dard length of 460 mm. Depend­ing on the num­ber of dri­vers, the belts and the belt width, the fol­low­ing belt widths are possible:


2 x 60 mm
2 x 75 mm
3 x 60 mm
3 x 75 mm

Belt width 

580 mm
610 mm
1100 mm
1145 mm

Quan­ti­ty of flights 460 (7 Finger) 


The plas­tic ele­ment flights offer a greater pos­si­bil­i­ty of vari­a­tions in the band­width. They are arranged on two bars next to each oth­er. Two dif­fer­ent types are avail­able: the ele­ment dri­ver 155 (2 fin­gers) with a fin­ger spac­ing of 85 mm and the ele­ment dri­ver 65 (1 fin­ger), which has a fin­ger spac­ing of 65 mm when only indi­vid­ual fin­gers are arranged in a row, but can be enlarged to any fin­ger spac­ing using spac­ers. The ele­ment dri­vers are often used on a ring ele­va­tor belt in a sug­ar beet harvester. 

Snap­ping Mitnehmer 

The snap-on flights con­sist of a plas­tic foot, where­by at least two dri­ver feet are mount­ed on a riv­et rod (detach­able con­nec­tion by means of snap lock). The rub­ber dri­ver pro­file is pushed into the groove of the foot. This type of dri­ver has been devel­oped in order to be able to retro­fit a dri­ver even on already riv­et­ed rod bands. Fur­ther­more, you have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to choose the dis­tance between the dri­vers your­self and to change it if nec­es­sary. Snap-on dri­vers are sup­plied sep­a­rate­ly. The dri­ver base and the dri­ver can be sup­plied separately. 

Con­tact our experts:


D. Kosuch

Trans­port­ban­den­fab­riek EA Broeke­ma BV

– Nether­lands –

Broeke­ma Belt­way USA Inc.

– USA –

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