
The silent inno­va­tion for com­bines increas­ing capac­i­ty and driver’s comfort 

“Silen­tium Dri­ve”, the inno­v­a­tive con­vey­ing sys­tem for com­bine har­vesters with rub­ber-fab­ric trac­tion belt­ing with par­a­bol­ic cams abol­ish­es one of the major nois­es in com­bine har­vesters and reduces wear of the inflex­i­ble all steel chain and its dri­ve com­po­nents. 

Thanks to the impres­sive nov­el­ty made by Jäger, the tremen­dous noise of cross bars hit­ting the box sheet met­al con­struc­tion, as usu­al in con­ven­tion­al­ly pro­vid­ed com­bine har­vesters, can be diminished.


Con­cept of “Silen­tium Drive” 

The “Silen­tium Dri­ve” is based on a rub­ber-fab­ric trac­tion belt­ing with par­a­bol­ic cams that replaces the steel roller chain. This cam-belt­ing is man­u­fac­tured in two vari­ants: a tru­ly end­less wrapped loop or with over­lap­ping ends with a spe­cial con­nec­tion method. The mount­ing bolts for the cross bars are vul­can­ized into the cam-belt­ing for an opti­mal con­nec­tion between belt and cross bars. 
Mähdrescher im Einsatz auf dem Feld /solutions/industries/agricultural-engineering/harvester-machine/combine-harvester/
In the heart of “Silen­tium Dri­ve” the Broeke­ma N‑type dri­ve wheels inter­mesh­es with the cams of the belt­ing. The return end of the con­vey­or is real­ized by a con­tin­u­ous roller across the full width of the belt or sin­gle return wheels per belting. 
Com­bines of any major brand can be con­vert­ed from steel roller chain to “Silen­tium Dri­ve” with lit­tle effort pay­ing for itself quick­ly. Only few com­po­nents need to be either replaced or modified. 

Fea­tures of the “Silen­tium Drive 

The “Silen­tium Dri­ve” increas­es com­fort and dri­ver-friend­li­ness dur­ing thresh­ing thanks to its spe­cial fea­tures. As the steel bars of the chain no longer touch the floor of the man­hole, noise emis­sions are min­imised. In addi­tion to elim­i­nat­ing the main source of noise from the com­bine direct­ly under the driver’s cab, the mate­r­i­al flow is also very even and qui­et. Thanks to the par­a­bol­ic rub­ber-fab­ric cam belt, the “Silen­tium Dri­ve” has excel­lent dynam­ic strength and pulling pow­er as well as high elas­tic­i­ty in the event of for­eign bod­ies being drawn in. 

Val­ue added by “Silen­tium Drive” 

Over sev­er­al years “Silen­tium Dri­ve” was pro­fes­sion­al­ly devel­oped and thor­ough­ly test­ed by Broeke­ma – the spe­cial­ist rub­ber and crop con­vey­or com­pa­ny with decades of expe­ri­ence in the agri­cul­tur­al machine industry. 

Con­tact our experts:


D. Kosuch

Trans­port­ban­den­fab­riek EA Broeke­ma BV

– Nether­lands –

Broeke­ma Belt­way USA Inc.

– USA –

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