

We offer you a wide range of idlers and sup­port rollers for con­vey­or belts in har­vesters. With them you can trans­port your crop safe­ly and smooth­ly. Our prod­uct range includes light­weight rollers as well as plas­tic, cast iron and rub­ber rollers with one or two ball bearings.

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We are par­tic­u­lar­ly proud of our spe­cial­ly devel­oped idlers made of glass fiber rein­forced plas­tic in com­bi­na­tion with a rub­ber com­pound tread. The plas­tic has a notice­able effect in the low­er weight, the elas­tomer ensures excel­lent run­ning smooth­ness and pro­vides the required elas­tic­i­ty for the idler. 

We man­u­fac­ture the light­weight rollers from these spe­cial impact-resis­tant and wear-free plastics:

These rollers are mount­ed either direct­ly with a trun­nion or with a hol­low shaft.

The plas­tic rollers are rub­ber­ized, have a low weight and are equipped with two ball bear­ings type 6005 2RS. They are avail­able as stan­dard with trun­nion or open axle.

The cast iron rollers and rub­ber­ized rollers are equipped with two ball bear­ings type 6005 2RS as stan­dard. Depend­ing on the load, some rollers are offered with bear­ings of type 6206 2RS.

All plas­tic, cast iron and rub­ber­ized rollers have a three-part seal on both sides as stan­dard to pre­vent contamination:

  1. Ball bear­ing seal
  2. Oil-soaked felt ring (option­al­ly with Vulkolan or steel fill­ing rings)
  3. Seal­ing lip and pro­tec­tive cap

The axle on which the roller rotates can be an open axle (mount­ed with an M16 bolt) or a sup­port­ing jour­nal with a hexa­gon on the head side and a nut with lock­ing ring. As stan­dard, the axles are designed for M16 threads, but oth­er dimen­sions are also avail­able. 

For relu­bri­cat­able sys­tems, the axle can also be designed with a grease nip­ple. In this case 6005 bear­ings and/or 6206 bear­ings with grease fill­ing between the two bear­ings and the open spaces are used. The stan­dard met­al caps and rings should then be replaced with con­vex met­al caps and rings that allow less grease to pass through. The grease pass­es between the two bear­ings via a grease nip­ple at the head end of the axle. The con­vex met­al caps and rings are secured by means of lock­ing rings. The cast-iron shak­ers are pitch-bound and are mount­ed with an extend­ed axle in the gear­wheel run of the rod belt. The shak­ers are set in motion by the rod belt and the desired shak­ing effect is achieved by the tri­an­gu­lar shape of the teeth. The uni­ver­sal rub­ber shak­ers and the tri­an­gu­lar toothed rub­ber shak­ers are mount­ed below the rub­ber belt and are pitch-inde­pen­dent. Like the rollers, all shak­ers are mount­ed with two ball bear­ings and seals each.

Con­tact our experts:


D. Kosuch

Trans­port­ban­den­fab­riek EA Broeke­ma BV

– Nether­lands –

Broeke­ma Belt­way USA Inc.

– USA –

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