Basalt fiber pro­tec­tors for off­shore plants 

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH man­u­fac­tures durable pro­tec­tors from a com­pos­ite of basalt fab­ric, which pro­tect steel struc­tures in the off­shore sec­tor both against cor­ro­sion and mechan­i­cal stress. At the same time, the increased fric­tion between the steel struc­ture and the rub­ber fend­er caused by the pro­tec­tor pro­motes safe climb­ing over for tech­ni­cians. Thanks to the long ser­vice life of our pro­tec­tors you reduce your main­te­nance costs many times over.

Boat­land­ings of wind tur­bines are exposed to par­tic­u­lar­ly high loads – main­te­nance boats dam­age the sur­face coat­ing of the boat land­ing dur­ing dock­ing due to the up and down move­ment caused by waves. 

Jäger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH pro­tec­tors pro­vide a rem­e­dy: The hard shells made of basalt fab­ric and vinyl ester resin are attached to the fend­er tubes with an adhe­sive spe­cial­ly man­u­fac­tured for this appli­ca­tion – sim­i­lar to a shin guard. This can be done both on- and offshore. 

Since basalt is a nat­ur­al prod­uct, it is also non-tox­ic and there­fore absolute­ly future-proof. Hunter’s pro­tec­tors have to be as well, because even in cold salty sea water and under high UV expo­sure our pro­tec­tors have a very long life span due to the basalt fabric.


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