Noise pro­tec­tion sys­tem: Bub­ble curtain 

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH will pro­vide you with a noise mit­i­ga­tion sys­tem tai­lored to your require­ments. In addi­tion to the proven con­ven­tion­al Big Bub­ble Cur­tain (BBC), we offer you two nov­el sys­tems for reduc­ing under­wa­ter noise. 

Under­wa­ter jobs such as lay­ing foun­da­tions or det­o­na­tions of muni­tion can cause sub­stan­tial sound emis­sions. Par­tic­u­lar­ly the con­struc­tion of off­shore wind tur­bines caus­es noise which can adverse­ly affect sea dwellers. With its Big Bub­ble Cur­tain, Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH con­tributes to the pro­tec­tion of marine ani­mals dur­ing ram­mings of the heavy off­shore foun­da­tions. For the ben­e­fit of the kind-pro­tect­ed por­pois­es, dif­fer­ent­ly defined noise lev­el lim­it val­ues must be adhered to. The goal of Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH is not mere­ly the adher­ence to these val­ues but a gen­er­al min­i­miza­tion of sound emissions.

The Big Bub­ble Curtain

The Big Bub­ble Cur­tain is com­prised of one or two hoses which are laid out in a ring around the source of noise. The per­fo­rat­ed hoses are pres­surised with com­pressed air – bub­bles emerge from the sea-bed to the sur­face of the water which cre­ate a ring-shaped pro­tec­tive wall around the noisy con­struc-tion site. With the help of the bub­ble cur­tain the sound waves exten­sive­ly spread­ing over the seabed are bro­ken mul­ti­ple times, decreas­ing the sound inten­si­ty and thus pro­tect­ing the marine ani­mals. After deploy­ment, the hose sys­tem is retrieved and brought to the next con­struc­tion site.


The Jaeger CBC

Our Con­duct­ed Bub­ble Cur­tain ensures less noise in the direct vicin­i­ty of the ram­ming point. Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH is cur­rent­ly devel­op­ing a flex­i­ble Con­duct­ed Bub­ble Cur­tain which is direct­ly attached to the steel rod rammed into the seabed and which cre­ates a dense net of air bub­bles. This reduces the noise of the over 1000 required rams direct­ly at the source while ram­ming the pile into the seabed.

The Jaeger BBC

With our new hose sys­tem, which is still under devel­op­ment, we can achieve the same noise mit­i­ga-tion per­for­mance with sub­stan­tial­ly less pres­sure. For this rea­son, Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH employs a tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped for waste water treat­ment which has been tried and test­ed for 40 years at Jae-ger Umwelt­tech­nik. With our inno­v­a­tive Big Bub­ble Cur­tain, we want to pro­tect the marine ani­mals, encour­age the devel­op­ment of renew­able ener­gies, and reduce the costs for our cus­tomers. This is achieved with an improved bub­ble per­for­mance and the reduc­tion of the required compressors.


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