The per­fect job interview 

The job inter­view gives us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know each oth­er bet­ter. With the fol­low­ing tips, noth­ing stands in the way of a suc­cess­ful interview: 


In order to start the inter­view well pre­pared, you should look at infor­ma­tion about our com­pa­ny in advance. For exam­ple: What kind of prod­ucts do we sell? In which indus­try are we active? How many employ­ees do we have? You can find all this infor­ma­tion on our website. 


In the inter­view you get the chance to present your­self. In addi­tion to your school career, you should also tell us some­thing about your first pro­fes­sion­al impres­sions. You can also include your hob­bies. The impor­tant thing is that the indi­vid­ual sta­tions form a com­mon thread and that your pre­sen­ta­tion does not take longer than three to four min­utes. You can pre­pare for this very well by giv­ing your self-pre­sen­ta­tion to your fam­i­ly or friends. 


After your self-pre­sen­ta­tion the actu­al con­ver­sa­tion con­tin­ues. Your fam­i­ly or friends can ask you stan­dard ques­tions based on your appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments. You can also prac­tice with more demand­ing ques­tions so that you learn to keep a cool head even in stress­ful situations. 


When choos­ing the right look for the job inter­view, try to ori­ent your­self to the indus­try and the train­ing occu­pa­tion. If you are apply­ing for a com­mer­cial pro­fes­sion, you should wear a shirt or blouse. Trousers with a “used look” are not rec­om­mend­ed. The dress code for com­mer­cial occu­pa­tions is more casu­al, wear­ing a sweater is appro­pri­ate here. In any case, you should make sure that your hair is washed and removed from your face and that your beard is well groomed. As for the inter­view, the same applies to styling: Do not adjust or apply too thick­ly. Show your­self from your best side and empha­size your advan­tages. The make-up should not dis­tract, but should look as nat­ur­al as possible. 


Now the time has come: the inter­view is just around the cor­ner. In order not to get too excit­ed, try to relax before­hand – it often helps here to read a book, lis­ten to music or go for a walk. It’s best to be there 15 min­utes before the inter­view starts. This way you won’t be late and can take a deep breath and sort your thoughts before the con­ver­sa­tion. Always remem­ber dur­ing the inter­view: Your inter­view­ers are only peo­ple and you were invit­ed because of your qual­i­fi­ca­tions! Extra tip: If you are offered some­thing to drink, accept it. If you have to think about a ques­tion for a while, you can have a sip and there will be no uncom­fort­able silence. Make sure to speak slow­ly and clear­ly. This will make you appear more com­pe­tent and your inter­view­er will find it eas­i­er to lis­ten to you and ask ques­tions. It is per­fect­ly okay if you take notes before and dur­ing the inter­view. We do not expect you to know all your ques­tions by heart. The notes also show a struc­tured work­ing method. 

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