
Since 2013, we at Jäger Pol­s­ka Sp. z o.o. have been offer­ing prac­ti­cal voca­tion­al train­ing for stu­dents at our site in Gryfi­no. So you can train with us to become a machine and plant oper­a­tor for plas­tics as well as a machine and plant fitter! 
Auszubildende auf dem Weg ins Stammhaus Hannover /career/training/7-reasons-us/
We are one of the few com­pa­nies in Gryfi­no that offer young peo­ple the oppor­tu­ni­ty of employ­ment after com­plet­ing their train­ing. In our com­pa­ny you will learn how to com­bine your exist­ing knowl­edge from your school days with the knowl­edge about our prod­ucts, mate­ri­als, process­es and com­pa­ny in a mean­ing­ful way. After com­plet­ing your train­ing, you will have to face the future chal­lenges of the labor mar­ket. And this is exact­ly what your intern­ship in our com­pa­ny will pre­pare you for. Dur­ing your time with us, we will sup­port each stu­dent to the fullest extent. This means that we ori­ent our­selves com­plete­ly to your needs and learn­ing speed and sup­port you with pos­si­ble prob­lems, for exam­ple in the form of tutor­ing. That way we can suc­ceed together! 

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