Fin­ish­ing, Con­fec­tion and Logistics 

At the end of the pro­duc­tion process, there is often still the fin­ish­ing of prod­ucts. This offers the fol­low­ing advan­tages, among others:


We guar­an­tee our cus­tomers avail­abil­i­ty of our prod­ucts, because with us there are no bot­tle­necks. In our mod­ern equipped logis­tics cen­ter in Isern­hagen (Ger­many) we have an area of 4,200 sqm at our dis­pos­al. This allows more than 8,500 ship­ments per month and we can imple­ment advanced logis­tics con­cepts for our cus­tomers in line with mar­ket requirements.

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