News – 20.10.2017

75th Com­pa­ny Anniversary

On 20.10.2017 the Jäger Group cel­e­brat­ed its 75th year of exis­tence with 300 employ­ees, for­mer employ­ees, super­vi­so­ry boards, asso­ciates and mem­bers of the Jäger fam­i­ly in an atmos­pher­ic cer­e­mo­ny in the Fes­ti­val Hall at Schloss Her­ren­hausen.

In her address, city coun­cil­lor Sabine Tegt­mey­er-Dette com­mend­ed the entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it of the Jäger fam­i­ly com­pa­ny and the sig­nif­i­cance of the com­pa­ny for the Han­nover indus­tri­al area, in which the Jäger group will also oper­ate suc­cess­ful­ly in the future with the planned con­struc­tion of the new com­pa­ny head office in Han­nover Anderten.

Accom­pa­nied by enter­tain­ing film con­tri­bu­tions from all of the group’s loca­tions, man­ag­ing direc­tors Hans-Ulrich von Tip­pel­skirch, Hans-Chris­t­ian von Cons­bruch and man­ag­ing part­ners Sebas­t­ian und Mar­ius-Quin­tus Jäger out­lined the suc­cess­ful road tak­en by the com­pa­ny and its employees.

In the evening the anniver­sary par­ty then went to the Cav­al­lo. Here the 75-year his­to­ry was again very much present through an artis­tic sand paint­ing exhi­bi­tion, and in the fam­i­ly company’s mile­stones, val­ues and anec­dotes as pre­sent­ed in the talk by Man­ag­ing Part­ner Dr Andreas Jäger.

Music and culi­nary high­lights round­ed off the event.


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