The right solu­tion for your application

Our sta­tors con­sist of a rub­ber­ized steel tube. The com­po­si­tion of the rub­ber com­pound in the sta­tor is matched to the require­ments of the pro­gres­sive cav­i­ty pumps and the medi­um to be pumped. Artemis com­pos­es the rub­ber com­pound in its own mix­ing plant accord­ing to your require­ments, and our experts pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice on the choice of material. 
FDA Statoren mit roter Lackierung und weißem Gummi /artemis/products/

In this way, we keep the mate­r­i­al wear of the sta­tor as low as pos­si­ble. In addi­tion, you ben­e­fit from long ser­vice lives in the respec­tive appli­ca­tion: You can use the sta­tors longer — your main­te­nance costs are reduced.

We also coor­di­nate the design of the prod­uct geome­tries with the respec­tive cus­tomer require­ments. New devel­op­ments, the cre­ation of pro­to­types and all pro­cess­ing steps for sub­se­quent series pro­duc­tion can be car­ried out com­plete­ly inde­pen­dent­ly of exter­nal sup­pli­ers in-house. In this way, we offer the great­est pos­si­ble secu­ri­ty, also for our cus­tomers’ innovations.

Artemis sta­tors — your advan­tages at a glance: 


Con­tact us now!

ARTEMIS Kautschuk- und
Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH

Tel. +49 511 — 959280

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