Train­ing in the JÄGER Group 

You want to get start­ed and are look­ing for a train­ing occu­pa­tion with a future? Then the JÄGER Group is the right place for you: Your work – whether in pro­duc­tion, sales or ship­ping – is main­ly about our high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts. Dur­ing your train­ing with us, we offer you diver­si­ty and vari­ety, work with great col­leagues and the con­stant expan­sion of your knowl­edge. Togeth­er with you, we set the course for a suc­cess­ful start in the work­ing world. 
Find the appren­tice­ship that suits you best and apply! 

Orga­ni­za­tion­al tal­ent
In an indus­tri­al com­pa­ny, as part of the sup­ply chain, you coor­di­nate the deliv­ery of goods in the logis­tics cen­ter, meet var­i­ous sup­pli­ers in pur­chas­ing or have direct con­tact with our cus­tomers in sales. In addi­tion, you will learn the tech­ni­cal basics of the com­pa­ny as well as the cor­re­spond­ing work steps that are nec­es­sary for the pro­duc­tion of our end products.

In Finance or Human Resources, you will also get a feel for cen­tral aspects of the busi­ness world. You will pass through many dif­fer­ent depart­ments and will then be fit for your start in pro­fes­sion­al life.

Dura­tion of train­ing
2.5 or 3 years

Train­ing loca­tions
Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff GmbH in Essen, Frank­furt, Hanover, Nurem­berg, Stuttgart, Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH in Hanover

Start of train­ing
August 1st and Sep­tem­ber 1st, resp.

Voca­tion­al school
Robert-Schmidt-Beruf­skol­leg, Robert-Schmidt-Straße 1, Essen
Kaufmän­nis­che Schulen Hanau, Amelias­traße 50, Hanau
BBS Han­nah Arendt, Anderten­sche Wiese 26, Han­nover
Lud­wig-Erhard-Schule, There­sien­straße 15, Fürth
Eduard-Bre­uninger-Schule, Heininger Weg 43, Backnang

You should become an indus­tri­al clerk, if

  • You are inter­est­ed in math­e­mat­i­cal and eco­nom­ic connections
  • You are capa­ble of communication
  • If you would like to do a vari­ety of tasks
  • You’re hap­py to take responsibility
  • You have an extend­ed sec­ondary school cer­tifi­cate or the Abitur (high school diploma)

Train­ing Sup­port Hannover

Anne Herz
Tel. +495115358110

Logis­tics expert
As a ware­house spe­cial­ist, you play a cen­tral role in our logis­tics cen­tre. In the incom­ing goods depart­ment and the incom­ing goods inspec­tion you will come into direct con­tact with our sup­pli­ers and get to know our var­i­ous prod­ucts while unload­ing the trans­port vehicles.

As an order pick­er, you will store the goods using fork­lifts and oth­er means of trans­port and lat­er pre­pare them for dis­patch. Your tasks also include var­i­ous pack­ag­ing activ­i­ties or assis­tance with the annu­al inventory.

Dura­tion of the train­ing 
2 years and 3 years, resp.

Train­ing loca­tions
Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff GmbH, Hägen­straße 1–3, 30559 Hanover

Start of train­ing
August 1st and Sep­tem­ber 1st, resp.

Voca­tion­al school
Voca­tion­al schools Springe
Paul-Schnei­der-Weg, Jumping

You should become a ware­house clerk if you are

  • You are phys­i­cal­ly resilient and can tack­le well
  • You work very carefully
  • You’re hap­py to take responsibility
  • You attach great impor­tance to reg­u­lat­ed work­ing hours
  • You are inter­est­ed in math­e­mat­i­cal and eco­nom­ic connections
  • You have a sec­ondary school cer­tifi­cate or sec­ondary mod­ern school certificate

Train­ing Sup­port Hannover

Vik­to­ria Lüerßen
Tel. +49 5115358183

IT Hero
Ana­lyze, set up, plan, configure.

As an IT spe­cial­ist for sys­tem inte­gra­tion, you are the first point of con­tact for every­thing to do with IT. You will gain com­pre­hen­sive insights into hard­ware and oper­at­ing sys­tems as well as user soft­ware. In the event of sys­tem errors and mal­func­tions, your team is the first point of con­tact to solve user prob­lems. To ensure that you are pre­pared for these cas­es, you will learn how to use the lat­est tech­nolo­gies and how to set up, man­age and oper­ate IT systems.

With us, you will not work as a uni­ver­sal lone wolf, but as part of a team with numer­ous experts from a wide range of spe­cial­ist areas. Togeth­er with your col­leagues you plan and con­fig­ure infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy sys­tems and help to admin­is­ter the net­work infra­struc­ture both nation­wide and inter­na­tion­al­ly. Are you enthu­si­as­tic about infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy, tech­ni­cal con­tent, com­put­ers and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions? Then sup­port our col­leagues world­wide and become part of our JÄGER Group.

Dura­tion of train­ing
3 years

Train­ing loca­tions
Arnold Jäger Hold­ing GmbH, Lohweg 1, 30559 Hanover

Start of train­ing
August 1st and Sep­tem­ber 1st, resp.

Voca­tion­al school
Mul­ti-Media Voca­tion­al schools
Expo Plaza 3, Hanover

You should become an IT spe­cial­ist, if 

  • You like to think your­self into com­plex issues
  • You can also find solu­tions if the error is “Does not work!”
  • You 4uch m17 d1353m 73×7 37w45 4nf4n63n k4nn57
  • You have a sec­ondary school diplo­ma or a high school diploma

Train­ing Sup­port Hannover

Anne Herz
Tel. +495115358110

Tech­ni­cal genius
Nowa­days it is impos­si­ble to imag­ine indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion with­out machines. This makes it all the more impor­tant to have the right per­son­nel who are famil­iar with the com­plex pro­duc­tion process­es and tech­ni­cal equip­ment.
This is where you come in as a machine and plant oper­a­tor, because in this pro­fes­sion you are the cen­tral piv­ot in the rela­tion­ship between man and machine. Your tasks include, for exam­ple, set­ting up new pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties, com­mis­sion­ing or even con­vert­ing and main­tain­ing machines.

Dura­tion of the train­ing
2 years

Train­ing loca­tions
Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH, Roth­wiese 4, 30559 Hanover

Start of train­ing
August 1st and Sep­tem­ber 1st, resp.

Voca­tion­al school
BBSme Otto-Bren­ner-Schule, Lavesallee 14 , 30169 Hanover

You should become a machine and plant oper­a­tor, if you are

  • You’re inter­est­ed in technology
  • You’re very careful
  • You’re hap­py to take responsibility
  • You’re good with your hands
  • You have an extend­ed sec­ondary school cer­tifi­cate or sec­ondary mod­ern school certificate

Train­ing Sup­port Hannover

Vik­to­ria Lüerßen
Tel. +49 5115358183

Crafts­man­ship genius
Turn­ing, milling, drilling, grinding.

In our train­ing as a cut­ting machine oper­a­tor, every­thing revolves around the pro­duc­tion of met­al work­pieces. You will be trained with numer­i­cal­ly con­trolled man­u­fac­tur­ing sys­tems, the so-called CNC machines, to pro­duce com­po­nents using cut­ting process­es, but you will also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to demon­strate your man­u­al skills.

You decide on the basis of tech­ni­cal draw­ings in which way you want to imple­ment the com­po­nent. You will then test, check and ensure the qual­i­ty of your prod­ucts. Dur­ing this train­ing you will find the per­fect bal­ance between tech­ni­cal know-how and phys­i­cal activity.

Dura­tion of the train­ing
3.5 years

Train­ing loca­tions
Artemis Met­all GmbH & Co. KG, An der Bahn 161, 37520 Osterode

Start of train­ing
August 1st and Sep­tem­ber 1st, resp.

Voca­tion­al school
Voca­tion­al schools II:
At the Leege 2b, Osterode am Harz

You should become a cut­ting machine oper­a­tor, if

  • You’re inter­est­ed in technology
  • You’re very thorough
  • You’re hap­py to take responsibility
  • You’re good with your hands
  • You have an extend­ed sec­ondary school cer­tifi­cate or sec­ondary mod­ern school certificate

Train­ing Sup­port Hannover

Vik­to­ria Lüerßen
Tel. +49 5115358183

Icon of design
Ana­lyze, design, cal­cu­late, construct.

As a tech­ni­cal prod­uct design­er, you not only devel­op the designs, but are also in the shoes of a con­struc­tor. Togeth­er with expe­ri­enced col­leagues and in close exchange with cus­tomers, engi­neers and pro­duc­tion staff, you work on the imple­men­ta­tion of your ideas. In excit­ing projects you devel­op new prod­ucts or improve exist­ing ones. The tools you will use are 2‑D and 3‑D pro­grams with which you can cre­ate con­cepts and mod­els to give shape to your vision. With every step for­ward in the project you can expe­ri­ence how your idea devel­ops into an inde­pen­dent product.

Dura­tion of train­ing
3.5 years

Train­ing loca­tions
Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH, Roth­wiese 4, 30559 Hanover

Start of train­ing
August 1st and Sep­tem­ber 1st, resp.

Voca­tion­al school
BBS Met­al Tech­nol­o­gy – Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing
Lavesallee 14, Hanover

You should become a Tech­ni­cal Prod­uct Design­er if you are

  • You’re inter­est­ed in technology?
  • You’re very thor­ough
    you are cre­ative and precise
  • You have math­e­mat­i­cal and phys­i­cal knowledge
  • you have an extend­ed sec­ondary school cer­tifi­cate or high school diploma

Train­ing Sup­port Hannover

Vik­to­ria Lüerßen
Tel. +49 5115358183

Ana­lyz­ing, installing, main­tain­ing, repairing

As an indus­tri­al elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian or elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian for indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing, you will not only learn about the tech­ni­cal process­es, but will also be active­ly involved in the main­te­nance and opti­miza­tion of elec­tri­cal sys­tems. You will work with expe­ri­enced col­leagues to install, main­tain and repair com­plex sys­tems. You will gain com­pre­hen­sive insights into indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing and its appli­ca­tions in var­i­ous depart­ments of our com­pa­ny. Your tasks will include wiring con­trol cab­i­nets, pro­gram­ming con­trollers, and trou­bleshoot­ing and repair­ing elec­tron­ic sys­tems. You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tribute your ideas and help shape the tech­nol­o­gy of tomorrow.

Dura­tion of training

2 to 3.5 years

Start of training

August 1 or Sep­tem­ber 1

Train­ing locations

Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH, Roth­wiese 4, 30559 Hannover

Voca­tion­al schools

BBS Met­all­tech­nik • Elektrotechnik

Lavesallee 14, Hannover

You should become an indus­tri­al elec­tri­cian or elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian for indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing if…

  • you are a team play­er and reli­a­bil­i­ty is one of your strengths,
  • you are char­ac­ter­ized by a con­sci­en­tious and respon­si­ble way of working,
  • you enjoy work­ing with tech­ni­cal systems,
  • you enjoy over­com­ing new challenges,
  • your com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills allow you to shine in every situation,
  • you have an (extend­ed) sec­ondary school leav­ing cer­tifi­cate as a qualification.

Train­ing sup­port Hannover

Vik­to­ria Lüerßen
Tel. +49 5115358183

I was sur­prised how quick­ly and eas­i­ly I was able to apply. Cre­ate an account, upload doc­u­ments, fill out the ques­tion­naire and you were ready to go: your appli­ca­tion has been received. 

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