
Lis­ten­ing and find­ing solu­tions is our phi­los­o­phy. Our qual­i­fied employ­ees search for the best solu­tions togeth­er with our cus­tomers – this is how we cre­ate unique and sus­tain­able prod­ucts. Select a section: 

1941 — 1949 


The begin­ning of a suc­cess story 

A few years after his appren­tice­ship at Con­ti­nen­tal-Caoutchouc- & Gut­ta-Per­cha Com­pag­nie in Hanover, Arnold Jäger sen. joined a Hanover­ian tech­ni­cal rub­ber goods whole­saler as an equal part­ner in 1922. Busi­ness is good. But in 1942, the desire for inde­pen­dence is so great that Arnold Jäger sen. founds his own com­pa­ny in Octo­ber 1942 – with the name Arnold Jäger Gum­mi­waren, Asbest‑, Indus­trie- und Berg­w­erks­be­darf, lat­er Gum­mi-Jäger. Thanks to his dis­tinc­tive com­mer­cial intu­ition and enor­mous work dis­ci­pline, the young com­pa­ny soon devel­oped into a lead­ing com­pa­ny in Hanover and a well-known address beyond the bor­ders of the region. 


In March 1945, when the office build­ing in Niko­lais­traße was destroyed dur­ing the last Allied air raid on Hanover, all the company’s stocks and doc­u­ments were destroyed. Togeth­er with his 76-year-old father August – an extreme­ly prac­ti­cal per­son – Arnold Jäger sen. starts to build up the com­pa­ny for a sec­ond time from rub­ble and ruins. 

The 2nd gen­er­a­tion steps in 

In 1948, the old­er son Arnold Jäger Jr. joined his father’s com­pa­ny. In addi­tion to his com­mer­cial appren­tice­ship at Gum­mi-Jäger in the after­noon, he com­pletes a tech­ni­cal appren­tice­ship in the morn­ing at a Hanover­ian rub­ber goods man­u­fac­tur­er, the com­pa­ny Gum­mi-Hansen, and then attends the tech­ni­cal school in the evening. With his tech­ni­cal exper­tise and his urge for tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion, Arnold Jäger junior ide­al­ly com­ple­ments his father’s com­mer­cial skills. 

1950 — 1959 

Growth through cus­tomer proximity 

In the ear­ly 1950s Arnold Jäger sen. estab­lish­es branch­es in Ham­burg, Siegen, Neuss and Stuttgart, thus using the local prox­im­i­ty to the cus­tomer as a com­pet­i­tive advantage. 

Expan­sion of the port­fo­lio to include plastics 

Arnold Jäger sen. was an entre­pre­neur who was always far-sight­ed in his deci­sions and always adapt­ed them to the future-ori­ent­ed needs of the mar­ket. Togeth­er with his son, he was aware of the impor­tance of a broad­er prod­uct range that went beyond rub­ber arti­cles. So it was only nat­ur­al that Gum­mi-Jäger also inte­grat­ed plas­tics into his range of products. 

Devel­op­ment of own prod­uct families 

From 1956 Arnold Jäger Jr. devel­oped spe­cial ultra-high pres­sure flush drilling hoses and rub­ber mould­ed parts for pumps and drilling acces­sories for the oil indus­try, which at that time was locat­ed in the Celle/Hanover region. In this mar­ket seg­ment, Jäger is still inter­na­tion­al­ly rep­re­sent­ed today with sta­tors and rotors for bore­hole oil pumps and deep drilling dri­ves. In 1959, Arnold Jäger Jr. starts the pro­duc­tion of sieve rod belts for pota­to har­vesters, thus deci­sive­ly improv­ing the har­vest­ing process. The basis is a rub­ber-fab­ric con­struc­tion, the “Jäger agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery belt”, which he sig­nif­i­cant­ly co-devel­oped. Per­ma­nent fur­ther devel­op­ments and patents lay the foun­da­tion for fur­ther pro­duc­tion plants in Ger­many, the Nether­lands and the USA. 

1960 – 1969 


25 years Gum­mi Jäger 

As Gum­mi-Jäger cel­e­brates its 25th anniver­sary in 1967, the com­pa­ny has estab­lished itself nation­wide as one of the largest tech­ni­cal deal­ers, and its con­sult­ing com­pe­tence is under­pinned by its own pro­duc­tion facilities. 

Room for new ideas 

Fur­ther loca­tions in Braun­schweig, Bre­men, Frank­furt and Nurem­berg strength­en the prin­ci­ple of “cus­tomer proximity”. 

Expan­sion of the agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery division 

In 1963, the agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery assem­bly depart­ment moved to its own pro­duc­tion build­ing in Hanover-Anderten. In the mean­time, the Jäger agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery belt has replaced the iron chains pre­vi­ous­ly used by all major har­vest­ing machine man­u­fac­tur­ers due to its low weight, smooth run­ning and long ser­vice life, and has become estab­lished inter­na­tion­al­ly as an indus­tri­al stan­dard. 1968 saw the estab­lish­ment of the company’s own pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty for indus­tri­al sta­tors, shaft bear­ings and large-vol­ume mold­ed rub­ber articles. 

1970 – 1979 


Smooth gen­er­a­tional change 

In 1973 Arnold Jäger sen. died at the age of 77 and his son Arnold Jäger jun. took over the busi­ness. Arnold Jäger Jr. and Dr. Klaus Pfen­nig, a busi­ness grad­u­ate who joined the com­pa­ny in 1972, put all their efforts into con­tin­u­ing the company’s suc­cess in the spir­it of the founder. The sen­si­ble divi­sion of tasks with­in the man­age­ment team allows Arnold Jäger Jr. to devote more time to the tech­ni­cal devel­op­ment of prod­ucts and processes. 

In-house pro­duc­tion com­ple­ments the trade 

1974 Arnold Jäger jun. becomes the sole own­er of Gum­mi-Jäger and the affil­i­at­ed com­pa­nies. In 1975, the two pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties of Gum­mi-Jäger for mold­ed rub­ber arti­cles and screen belts are merged under the name Artemis Kautschuk und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik in a 5,000 sqm new build­ing in Hanover-Anderten. 

Focus on quality 

In 1985, Regi­na Jäger joined the com­pa­ny as man­ag­ing part­ner of Artemis, estab­lished her own sales depart­ment for the var­i­ous prod­uct groups and estab­lished an Artemis-spe­cif­ic prod­uct and process devel­op­ment depart­ment. Today, Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik pro­vides cen­tral ser­vices in elas­tomer chem­istry, such as com­pound devel­op­ment and the cen­tral test­ing lab­o­ra­to­ry, for the entire JÄGER Group. Fur­ther­more, Artemis has a mod­ern, com­put­er-aid­ed mix­ing plant for high-qual­i­ty rub­ber compounds. 

1980 – 1989 


Change of loca­tion: New busi­ness loca­tion in Hannover-Kleefeld 

In order to cope with the growth of the Gum­mi-Jäger busi­ness, the Hanover head office moves to new busi­ness premis­es with state-of-the-art office stan­dards in Hanover-Kleefeld in 1982. 

1990 – 1999 


Peo­ple shape the future 

The 50th anniver­sary of the Gum­mi-Jäger com­pa­ny is cel­e­brat­ed exten­sive­ly in Han­nover in 1992 with all employ­ees. The com­pa­ny remains true to the suc­cess­ful con­cept of the com­pa­ny founder: moti­vat­ed, com­mit­ted pro­fes­sion­als who work inde­pen­dent­ly in their field and iden­ti­fy with their com­pa­ny. To this day, the sub­ject of train­ing is still a top pri­or­i­ty. Since the com­pa­ny was found­ed, 420 appren­tices have com­plet­ed their train­ing in the var­i­ous professions. 

New envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion products 

In order to cope with the fur­ther growth of rub­ber and plas­tic prod­ucts, a new loca­tion is built in Han­nover-Mis­burg in 1992. A par­tic­u­lar focus is on rub­ber mem­branes for the treat­ment of indus­tri­al and munic­i­pal waste water. A prod­uct that Arnold Jäger jun. and his sons devel­oped in the course of the emerg­ing envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion debate at the begin­ning of the 1980s, and with which large amounts of ener­gy are saved in waste­water treat­ment world­wide. From these prod­ucts, the com­pa­nies Jäger Umwelt-Tech­nik in Hanover and lat­er Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics in Shen­zhen (Chi­na) developed. 

Fam­i­ly busi­ness Jäger 

As far-sight­ed entre­pre­neurs, Arnold and Regi­na Jäger are prepar­ing the con­tin­u­a­tion of the JÄGER Group for the next gen­er­a­tion. To ensure a smooth tran­si­tion, the Arnold Jäger Hold­ing is found­ed, under whose roof all indi­vid­ual com­pa­nies as well as the cen­tral ser­vices of the JÄGER Group are com­bined. With Andreas and Sebas­t­ian Jäger, the third gen­er­a­tion joins the man­age­ment of the JÄGER Group in 1994. Regi­na Jäger suc­ces­sive­ly hands over the man­age­ment of Artemis to Sebas­t­ian Jäger, while Arnold Jäger trans­fers the tech­ni­cal man­age­ment of Gum­mi-Jäger to Andreas Jäger. After the com­plete trans­fer of the man­age­ment to Andreas and Sebas­t­ian Jäger, Arnold and Regi­na Jäger join the advi­so­ry board of the Arnold Jäger Hold­ing in 1996. 

Future mar­ket agri­cul­tur­al engineering 

In the agri­cul­tur­al tech­nol­o­gy sec­tor, the oppor­tu­ni­ty arose in 1996 to take over the then mar­ket leader for screen belts, the Dutch com­pa­ny Ernst August Broeke­ma in Veen­dam with its US sub­sidiary Broeke­ma Belt­way USA in Hinck­ley, Min­neso­ta. The decades of acquain­tance of the entre­pre­neur­ial fam­i­lies Broeke­ma and Jäger and the sim­i­lar cor­po­rate philoso­phies facil­i­tate the rapid inte­gra­tion of Broeke­ma into the JÄGER Group. Today, the “belts and tapes” divi­sion of Artemis in Hanover, Broeke­ma in Veen­dam, Broeke­ma Belt­way in Pine City and the spare parts spe­cial­ist Windgassen in Pader­born form a pro­duc­tion network. 

2000 – 2009 

The next millennium 

Mar­ius-Quin­tus Jäger joins the man­age­ment of Arnold Jäger Hold­ing in 2002 and assumes respon­si­bil­i­ty for all cen­tral ser­vices of the JÄGER Group. As a result of the struc­tur­al change in the Ger­man agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery indus­try at the end of the 1990s, the com­pa­ny Windgassen in Pader­born, a for­mer Artemis cus­tomer for agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery belts and at the same time com­peti­tor for screen bar belts, joins the JÄGER Group in 2003. Today Windgassen is a spe­cial­ist in sup­ply­ing agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery deal­ers and large end users with replace­ment belts and dri­ve com­po­nents for pota­to and veg­etable harvesters. 

New mar­kets in China 

The rapid indus­tri­al­iza­tion of Chi­na is open­ing a large future mar­ket for hunter prod­ucts, espe­cial­ly in the field of waste water tech­nol­o­gy. The found­ing of Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics Ltd. in Shen­zhen, Chi­na, enables local pro­duc­tion and the estab­lish­ment of a nation­wide sales organization. 

2010 — 2020 


Con­sis­tent inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion and specialization 

In order to be able to sup­ply the exist­ing Ger­man clients in the USA and to strength­en the activ­i­ties of the JÄGER Group in North Amer­i­ca, the Jaeger Unit Seal­ing Solu­tions will be found­ed in August 2010 in LaPorte, Indi­ana, whose core busi­ness is focused on elas­tomer and ther­mo­plas­tic extru­sion. After only a few years, the com­pa­ny is so suc­cess­ful that in 2014 it moves to a larg­er build­ing. Broeke­ma Belt­way USA, which is active in the agri­cul­tur­al engi­neer­ing sec­tor, is also expand­ing with a new loca­tion in Cal­i­for­nia and a pro­duc­tion expan­sion in Pine City, MN. In 2012, the JÄGER Group takes over a pro­duc­tion site of a sup­pli­er in Gryfi­no near Szczecin, Poland. Jaeger Pol­s­ka z o.o. spe­cial­izes in the pro­duc­tion of rub­ber and sil­i­cone mold­ed parts and clas­sic rub­ber-met­al compounds. 

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty as a suc­cess factor 

In 2012, the JÄGER Group inte­grates the com­pa­ny Cleart­ec Water Man­age­ment GmbH with its future-ori­ent­ed fixed bed tech­nol­o­gy for waste­water treatment. 

Clos­er to the customer 

In Air­drie near Cal­gary, we work togeth­er as a part­ner with the com­pa­ny Spi­ra Sys­tems Ltd. There, worn drill motor sta­tors are re-gummed on site with Artemis’ rub­ber tech­nol­o­gy. Long trans­port dis­tances and time loss­es for the “retread­ing” of sta­tors in Ger­many are thus avoid­ed and cus­tomers are served faster. 

Basis for fur­ther growth 

At the begin­ning of 2017, Jäger Pol­s­ka moves into a new­ly built pro­duc­tion build­ing and is an impor­tant employ­er in the region. 

75th com­pa­ny anniversary 

In Octo­ber 2017 Jäger cel­e­brates its 75th com­pa­ny anniver­sary with 300 employ­ees and invit­ed guests in a styl­ish cer­e­mo­ny in Her­ren­hausen Castle. 

New Head­quar­ters

In 2017, Jäger Umwelt-Tech­nik will move to its new loca­tion at Lohweg 1, a build­ing adja­cent to the Artemis site, so that the exist­ing infra­struc­ture can be shared. The new head­quar­ters of the JÄGER Group is cur­rent­ly being built in Hanover-Anderten. 

Lead­ing by exam­ple into the future 

The JÄGER Group is enthu­si­as­tic about inno­va­tions, which is why we also fol­low devel­op­ments in the field of off­shore wind pow­er. Look­ing ahead, the com­pa­ny Jaeger Mare Solu­tions will be found­ed in 2019. With the aim of offer­ing envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly solu­tions in the off­shore sec­tor that com­bine nat­ur­al mate­ri­als and renew­able energies. 

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