News & Press 

In our news area you will find every­thing about the JÄGER Group. From cur­rent arti­cles to indus­try devel­op­ments and prod­uct inno­va­tions – stay up to date with us! 
News – 10.06.2024

ARTEMIS at the ACHEMA 2024

ARTEMIS cel­e­brates a suc­cess­ful first day at ACHEMA 2024 in Frank­furt am Main. Vis­it us in hall 8.0, booth E83, and dis­cov­er our inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the process industry. 
News — 12.04.2024

Farewell to Arnold Jäger: A life full of innovations

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the loss of Arnold Jäger, the son of the founder of the JÄGER Group. He passed away on April 10, 2024 at the age of 92 after a short illness. 

Jäger Group is com­mit­ted to diver­si­ty and firm­ly rejects racism and discrimination

We take a clear stance: zero tol­er­ance for xeno­pho­bia, racism and discrimination! 
News – 08.12.2023

Grad­u­a­tion with “Very good”! Mas­ter’s the­sis on CO2 bal­anc­ing at Artemis

Our lat­est mas­ter’s stu­dent inves­ti­gat­ed the eco­log­i­cal assess­ment of round baler belts at our sub­sidiary Artemis under the name “Griz­zly Splice”. 

Intro­duc­tion of the StyleCap

Jaeger-UniTek Seal­ing Solu­tions, Inc. proud­ly announces the mar­ket intro­duc­tion of the Style­Cap™, an inno­v­a­tive, adhe­sive backed, cor­ner seal cov­er, designed to pre­cise­ly func­tion in secure­ly and repeat­ed­ly seal­ing recre­ation­al vehi­cle slide-out rooms from water, dust, and tem­per­a­ture intrusion. 

Andreas Jäger is the new UVN President

The gen­er­al meet­ing of the Low­er Sax­ony Busi­ness Asso­ci­a­tions (UVN) unan­i­mous­ly elect­ed Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jäger, Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Arnold Jäger Hold­ing GmbH, as the new Pres­i­dent of the Low­er Sax­ony Busi­ness Asso­ci­a­tions (UVN).
News – 07.03.2023

Ener­gy com­pe­ti­tion at Artemis

A num­ber of 69 employ­ees from all areas of Artemis took part in the ener­gy com­pe­ti­tion launched in Novem­ber 2022. 
News – 09.01.2023

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH far-field noise mit­i­ga­tion system

In sum­mer 2022 Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH was delight­ed to be part of a UXO dis­pos­al project at an off­shore wind farm in the UK. 
News – 21.11.2022

JÄGER relies on ener­gy management

The JÄGER Group relies on reli­able ener­gy man­age­ment and the know-how of its own employ­ees to reduce ener­gy consumption. 
News – 10.10.2022

Invest­ment in new mea­sur­ing equipment

By invest­ing in new mea­sur­ing equip­ment, pre­ci­sion mea­sure­ments are now pos­si­ble even faster, more effi­cient­ly and clos­er to production. 
News — 11.09.2020

Jaeger-UniTek Intro­duces New AquaDi­vert­er™ for Use in Patent­ed Flip ‘N Seal® Seal­ing System

Jaeger-UniTek Seal­ing Solu­tions proud­ly announced the new AquaDiverter™ 
News – 20.12.2021

Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff intro­duces a new edp system

With the con­ver­sion to Microsoft Dynam­ics 365 for Finance and Oper­a­tions, the heart of the edp is ready for the future. 
News – 23.08.2022

Start of the ACHEMA trade fair

Final­ly, the time has come again. Achema, the lead­ing trade fair for the process indus­try, has begun in Frankfurt. 
News – 04.03.2019

Stone Giant: Jaeger Mare Solu­tions suc­cess­ful­ly eval­u­ates 16 ton Basalt Net Prototype

Jaeger Mare Solu­tions has suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed an ini­tial tri­al with a 16 ton Basalt Net pro­to­type. To our knowl­edge, there has been no such unit before – not even in plas­tic – and we can there­fore proud­ly call on “world’s first”. 
News – 01.03.2022

JÄGER Group — State­ment on the war in Ukraine

We have all been stunned, pow­er­less and speech­less by Rus­si­a’s war of aggres­sion on Ukraine. We are deeply shocked. 
News — 11.09.2020

JUS Pro­motes Phe­lan, Upp and Strieter

Jaeger-UniTek Seal­ing Solu­tions proud­ly announced the pro­mo­tion of Colton Phe­lan, Kyle Upp and Owen Stri­eter to key sales lead­er­ship roles. 
News – 20.12.2021

Over 90 per­cent vac­ci­na­tion rate: JÄGER Group is pleased with suc­cess­ful employ­ee vac­ci­na­tion campaign

Over 90 per­cent vac­ci­na­tion rate: JÄGER Group is pleased with suc­cess­ful employ­ee vac­ci­na­tion campaign. 
News – 10.12.2021

A lit­tle bit “green­er” every day

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty has been firm­ly anchored in JÄGER’s val­ues and actions for many years. 
News – 26.05.2021

We are moving!

The JÄGER head­quar­ters moved to Lohweg 1 in Hanover. All infor­ma­tion about the new address and the move at a glance! 
News — 11.09.2020

JUS Releas­es White Paper

The white paper focus­es on the ben­e­fit of using a sin­gle inte­grat­ed com­po­nent to pre­vent water pen­e­tra­tion and dam­age to RV slide outs. 

Covid-19 Contents