Imprint Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH 

Copy­right: Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH
Infor­ma­tion accord­ing to § 5 Dig­i­tale-Dien­ste-Gesetz (DDG)

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH
Lohweg 1
30559 Han­nover

Phone +49 511 – 5358 0
Fax +49 511 – 5533 94

Autho­rized to rep­re­sent accord­ing to § 5 No. 1 DDG:

Man­ag­ing direc­tor: SRAin Isabel Müller-Wilck­ens and Dipl. Kfm. David Baum

Reg­is­ter Court Han­nover HRB 217600
EN 321 65 04 14

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