Wel­come to Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd.!

Indi­vid­ual solutions 

The Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. is your com­pe­tent part­ner for waste­water treat­ment and water aer­a­tion equip­ment. Based on our long-term expe­ri­ence of more than 35 years in the field of waste­water aer­a­tion we can pro­vide cus­tomized & indi­vid­ual solu­tions for any kind of bio­log­i­cal treat­ment process and much more. We serve you with inno­v­a­tive, resource friend­ly, and envi­ron­men­tal­ly com­pat­i­ble solu­tions for your spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion with a spe­cial focus on ener­gy con­sump­tion, process-sta­bil­i­ty and prod­uct life­time. In-house rub­ber com­pound­ing and mem­brane-pro­duc­tion “Made in Ger­many” at our sis­ter com­pa­ny Jäger Umwelt Tech­nik GmbH in Hanover guar­an­tee a con­tin­u­al high lev­el of per­for­mance and qual­i­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly to con­tin­u­ous prod­uct opti­miza­tion, we sup­port you with var­i­ous ser­vices with­in the waste­water project process from design ser­vice at an ear­ly stage to main­te­nance and clean­ing with our pick­ling sys­tems up to sug­ges­tions for opti­miza­tion, replace­ment and upgrading. 

Inter­na­tion­al & local partner

Whether machine and plant con­struc­tion or agri­cul­tur­al tech­nol­o­gy, whether gas extrac­tion or waste water treat­ment, whether in Ger­many, in Chi­na or the US – the Jaeger Group is your contact.

With over 900 employ­ees active world­wide and more than 10 spe­cial­ized com­pa­nies, togeth­er, we will find a solution.

Our think­ing over­ar­ch­es com­pa­ny and thus we pro­vide com­pe­ti­tion advan­tages for our cus­tomers. We work togeth­er, con­fi­dent in our expe­ri­enced and audit­ed partners.

We are Jäger

Found­ed in Octo­ber of 1942 by Arnold Jäger sen., the lat­er “Gum­mi Jäger” became a lead­ing com­pa­ny in Hanover, Ger­many and a renown address for rub­ber wares across bor­ders ever after.

Today, the JÄGER Group is suc­cess­ful­ly man­aged in third gen­er­a­tion by the Jäger fam­i­ly with a clear focus on an inter­na­tion­al busi­ness approach.

Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. was found­ed in 2006 and func­tions as bridge into the thriv­ing Chi­nese mar­ket. Nowa­days the com­pa­ny main­ly focuss­es on envi­ron­men­tal busi­ness & ser­vices and pro­vides top-notch equip­ment for waste­water treat­ment with short dis­tances to Chi­nese and oth­er Asian cus­tomer bases.


Our mis­sion

As world-lead­ing com­pa­ny for mem­brane tech­nolo­gies we under­stand that water short­age and water pol­lu­tion are two of the biggest threats for human soci­ety in the com­ing centuries.

Glob­al warm­ing, pop­u­la­tion growth, migra­tion ten­den­cies and devel­op­ing urban­iza­tion will accel­er­ate and lead to even high­er demand for clean water every­where on the plan­et. Intel­li­gent water man­age­ment and effi­cient waste­water treat­ment will be key aspects for sta­bil­i­ty, peace and eco­log­i­cal growth.

We at Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. and our part­ners world-wide under­stand our coop­er­ate social respon­si­bil­i­ty to invent, devel­op and pro­duce com­po­nents and process­es that help to pre­serve the vital resource of water – a resource essen­tial to all live forms on our planet.

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