News – 08.12.2023

Abschluss mit „Sehr Gut“! Mas­ter­ar­beit zur CO2-Bilanzierung bei Artemis

Grad­u­a­tion with “Very good”! Master’s the­sis on CO2 bal­anc­ing at Artemis

The Jäger Group is not only com­mit­ted to con­tin­u­ous­ly improv­ing its ener­gy per­for­mance, but is also com­mit­ted to min­i­miz­ing neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impacts. The reg­u­lar review of activ­i­ties and process­es for ener­gy waste and envi­ron­men­tal impact plays a key role in this. Our lat­est master’s the­sis exam­ined the envi­ron­men­tal assess­ment of round baler belts at our sub­sidiary Artemis under the name “Griz­zly Splice”.

The CO2 equiv­a­lents of two prod­ucts were deter­mined and com­pared in accor­dance with DIN EN ISO 14067. Round baler belts are used in agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery (includ­ing Kro­ne, Kuhn and Claas) to com­press hay and straw into bales. Our lat­est prod­uct, the “Griz­zly Splice”, uses a patent­ed method in which the vul­can­ized mate­r­i­al is mechan­i­cal­ly joined by sewing — a sus­tain­able advance.

Today, our Master’s stu­dent pre­sent­ed the results in her final col­lo­qui­um. The the­sis ana­lyzed the impact of the switch from end­less splic­ing to sewing in terms of green­house gas emis­sions. The main results are:

The the­sis received the top grade of 1.0. We would like to con­grat­u­late our Master’s stu­dent and wish her every suc­cess in her future endeav­ors. A big thank you also goes to the super­vi­sors of the the­sis, Nick and Rain­er at Artemis.

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