News – 01.03.2022

JÄGER Group — State­ment on the war in Ukraine

We have all been stunned, pow­er­less and speech­less by Russia’s war of aggres­sion on Ukraine. We are deeply shocked by the mil­i­tary vio­lence in Ukraine. A war in the mid­dle of Europe, unleashed by a ruth­less dic­ta­tor — that leaves us in impo­tent rage and helplessness.

This attack is also an attack on our com­mon val­ues in Europe, democ­ra­cy and free­dom. We stand in sol­i­dar­i­ty with Ukraine. Peace is and remains the most valu­able asset. We clear­ly advo­cate peace­ful glob­al coop­er­a­tion and cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly reject any form of mil­i­tary force.

We hope that this attack on the peo­ple of Ukraine, which must be con­demned in the strongest terms under inter­na­tion­al law, will be stopped quick­ly and that the blood­shed will end. Our sym­pa­thy and thoughts are with the peo­ple in the war zone, whose lives and belong­ings are now threatened.

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