News – 09.01.2023

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH far-field noise mit­i­ga­tion system

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH far-field noise mit­i­ga­tion system

In sum­mer 2022 Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH was delight­ed to be part of a UXO dis­pos­al project at an off­shore wind farm in the UK.

With our in-depth knowl­edge in the field of noise mit­i­ga­tion, we were able to pro­vide pow­er­ful sup­port in the form of our far-field noise mit­i­ga­tion system.

Three con­tain­ers with equip­ment from Jaeger Mare Solu­tions GmbH for a far-field noise mit­i­ga­tion sys­tem were loaded in Bre­mer­haven includ­ing hose winch­es and a lay­ing unit as well as a com­plete set of tools and safe­ty equipment.

Big Bub­ble Cur­tain (BBC)

BBC deploy­ment


Our client was James Fish­er Sub­tech, a spe­cial­ist tech­ni­cal marine sup­port provider, who were con­duct­ing UXO ser­vices for James Fish­er Renewables.

UXO Clear­ance means UneX­plod­ed Ord­nance Clear­ance. As with major con­struc­tion sites on land, major con­struc­tion sites in the sea must be searched for unex­plod­ed ord­nance and oth­er poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous rem­nants of past con­flicts before con­struc­tion activ­i­ties begin.

Found unex­plod­ed ord­nance must be par­tial­ly det­o­nat­ed in a con­trolled man­ner — that’s where Jaeger Mare Solu­tions GmbH comes in. Since under­wa­ter blast­ing nat­u­ral­ly gen­er­ates quite a bit of sound or a blast wave, sim­i­lar to monopile pile dri­ving, a noise mit­i­ga­tion sys­tem must be used here as well. Con­se­quent­ly, a far-field noise mit­i­ga­tion sys­tem is used — in this case we pro­vid­ed our clas­sic Big Bub­ble Cur­tain (BBC).

We look for­ward to work­ing togeth­er to keep sea life out of trou­ble and to help improv­ing the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of the ocean!

Do you have any ques­tions?
Con­tact us!

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