News — 29.06.2020

Launch of New 4‑Component Extru­sion Line

Jaeger-Unitek Seal­ing Solu­tions, a lead­ing ther­mo­plas­tic and rub­ber pro­file extru­sion pro­duc­er announced the launch of its’ new mil­lion dol­lar 4‑component extru­sion line in their La Porte, Indi­ana facility.

The new extru­sion line is capa­ble of pro­duc­ing com­plex, tight-tol­er­ance extrud­ed pro­files which can uti­lize up to four dif­fer­ent poly­mers. Com­pa­ny offi­cials cit­ed con­tin­ued growth in their indus­tri­al, auto­mo­tive and recre­ation­al vehi­cle mar­kets which led to the expand­ed pro­duc­tion area and invest­ment to serve a grow­ing appli­ca­tion and cus­tomer base. Join­ing the Jaeger-Unitek team for the new extrud­er rib­bon-cut­ting cer­e­mo­ny includ­ed Tom Der­mody, La Porte City May­or, Jim Pres­sel, Indi­ana State House Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Bert Cook, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the La Porte Eco­nom­ic Advance­ment Part­ner­ship (LEAP) and Jack­ie Der­mody, Region­al Direc­tor, Sen­a­tor Mike Braun’s Office and Glenn Bruce, Exec­u­tive, Collins and Company.

“Our cus­tomers con­tin­ue to expand in their respec­tive mar­ket areas requir­ing high per­for­mance engi­neered ther­mo­plas­tic mate­ri­als with out­stand­ing prop­er­ties in very harsh envi­ron­ments. We find our RV cus­tomers demand­ing mate­r­i­al and process tech­nolo­gies which deliv­er parts con­sol­i­da­tion, ease of assem­bly and dura­bil­i­ty when exposed to extreme tem­per­a­ture cycling and UV light. Our great­est strength is our peo­ple and how we apply unique mate­ri­als knowl­edge to help our cus­tomers improve per­for­mance and reduce total costs”, com­ment­ed by Kevin Casey, Pres­i­dent, Jaeger-Unitek.


Jaeger-Unitek formed an exclu­sive dis­tri­b­u­tion with Collins & Com­pa­ny in 2019 to serve the RV OEM cus­tomer base. Accord­ing to Rich Collins, Pres­i­dent, “Jaeger-Unitek’s patent­ed Flip ‘N Seal Slide-Out Seal­ing Sys­tem has become the indus­try bench­mark for our RV clients, the mar­ket is boom­ing as con­sumers seek vaca­tions with­out air trav­el and Jaeger’s slide-out seal uti­lizes the best-in-class auto­mo­tive mate­ri­als to seal vehi­cles from tem­per­a­ture, dust and water intrusions”.

Jim Archer, Vice Pres­i­dent of Oper­a­tions added “our val­ued asso­ciates have suc­cess­ful­ly inte­grat­ed our lean man­u­fac­tur­ing cul­ture with a high­ly effi­cient dis­tri­b­u­tion process to cre­ate a very effec­tive and repeat­able sup­ply chain. We are proud to be able to deliv­er high qual­i­ty prod­ucts along with the out­stand­ing ser­vice that our cus­tomers deserve. ”

Accord­ing to May­or Tom Der­mody, “I could not be more pleased to be here today to cel­e­brate with Jaeger-Unitek. Since 1925, the whole team at Jaeger has been com­mit­ted to our com­mu­ni­ty. They have con­tin­u­al­ly grown here in La Porte and embody what it means to be La Porte Proud!”.

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