With our stepped or shafted and then vulcanised endless joints, we achieve release strengths far above the specifications and thus enable high load change stress. Artemis sets standards in the development of endless wound belts in any length as if “from a single mould”.
Our innovative technology opens up further diverse applications for rubber fabric belts in a wide range of applications. These long-life belts replace heavy, noisy and wear-prone steel chains in machines for agriculture, waste management, soil remediation and beach cleaning. They make it easy to increase conveying speeds. The existing nominal strength of the belts can be fully utilised. In addition, compared to conventional splicing technology, a lighter fabric construction with lower strength can be made possible when used with smaller deflection diameters. A high pitch accuracy is achieved by a defined fabric pre-stretch. Even with friction drive with hydraulic pre-stretching, a long service life can be achieved with this system.
Within the JÄGER Group, it is possible to continuously develop the different types of connections through laboratory and test bench tests under simulation of real operating conditions.
Our belt connections are available in the following designs (specified according to increasing tear resistance):
For the lock connection we have developed the Double Pivot Unit, a connecting piece that is mounted between two female hinge parts and connected with two connecting rods. This results in a double hinge point compared to the conventional construction method. This allows the rod belt to run more smoothly over the drive and friction rollers. The double pivot unit can also be used to repair a broken lock connection or to adjust the rod hinge to the correct length.
1. with direct riveting:
These center deflections are designed with convexity “upwards” as standard. Convexity “downwards” is optionally available.
Not upset, just flattened and provided with a hole.
Not upset, just flattened and provided with two holes
Heavily compressed center deflection with broad forging
Heavily upset center deflection with thick forging
Two bar deflections riveted offset
2 With the use of a clamping bracket:
These center deflections are designed with convexity “upwards” as standard. Convexity “downwards” is optionally available.
Metal brackets mounted around the rod
medium clamp
Metal brackets mounted around the rod; two versions are available: The first one for continuous bars and the second one for two half bars, which additionally prevent lateral slipping.
Metal brackets mounted around the rod (corresponds to half a WB-clip)
KS Clamping bracket
Cast iron Clamping bracket
Welded clamping bracket
Metal clamping bracket welded together at the top.
2‑lips clamping yoke
Metal clamping bracket
3‑lips Clamping bracket
Metal clamping bracket for V‑shaped hedgehog profiles
4‑lips Clamping bracket
Metal clamping bracket
Contact our experts:
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Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
Lohweg 1
30559 Hannover (Germany)
Tel. +49 511 – 53580
Fax +49 511 – 553394
Management board:
Dipl.-Kfm. Marius Jäger
Dipl.-Ing Sebastian Jäger
Registercourt Hannover HRB 59983
DE 813 341 233
Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
Artemis Kautschuk- und Kunststoff-Technik GmbH
Artemis PC Pump Systems Ltd.
Transportbandenfabriek EA Broekema B.V.
Broekema Beltway USA, Inc.
Jaeger Envirotech India Private Limited
Jäger Gummi und Kunststoff GmbH
Jaeger Maritime Solutions GmbH
Jaeger Polska Sp. z o.o.
Jaeger Rubber & Plastics (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Jäger Umwelt-Technik GmbH
Jaeger-Unitek Sealing Solutions, Inc.
Spira Systems, Ltd.
Windgassen GmbH