Special driver or cam profiles ensure loss-free transport of goods and can be manufactured by us from vulcanisation or plastic injection moulding tools with narrow tolerances.
With individual surface structures and hole patterns, we open up further, diverse process possibilities.
Contact our experts:
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Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
Lohweg 1
30559 Hannover (Germany)
Tel. +49 511 – 53580
Fax +49 511 – 553394
Management board:
Dipl.-Kfm. Marius Jäger
Dipl.-Ing Sebastian Jäger
Registercourt Hannover HRB 59983
DE 813 341 233
Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
Artemis Kautschuk- und Kunststoff-Technik GmbH
Artemis PC Pump Systems Ltd.
Transportbandenfabriek EA Broekema B.V.
Broekema Beltway USA, Inc.
Jaeger Envirotech India Private Limited
Jäger Gummi und Kunststoff GmbH
Jaeger Maritime Solutions GmbH
Jaeger Polska Sp. z o.o.
Jaeger Rubber & Plastics (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Jäger Umwelt-Technik GmbH
Jaeger-Unitek Sealing Solutions, Inc.
Spira Systems, Ltd.
Windgassen GmbH