We manufacture single‑, double- and multi-start rotors for all pumping tasks – adapted to the respective media and requirements. Together with our customers we develop innovative rotor geometries with special heads and create calculations and designs based on the latest 3D software.
In addition to our standard sizes, we also produce larger components up to a length of 8 metres for you. For rotors, we offer extensive coating techniques such as hard chrome plating and carbide coatings (e.g. tungsten carbide, chrome carbide) in order to guarantee maximum service life and minimize wear even with the most difficult pumping media in ever new areas of application.
New developments for the conveying technology, the creation of prototypes as well as all processing steps of the later series production can be carried out completely independently of external suppliers in our own company. Thus we offer the greatest possible security, also for your innovations!
To ensure our high quality standards, we use the latest 3D coordinate measuring technology. Under the premise of precision at the highest level, the production facilities and machinery of the JÄGER Group are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.
In our development and production processes, we pay attention to the perfect coordination of stator and rotor geometries to ensure optimum efficiency. We achieve this by using the latest 3D technology as well as simulations of the later operating behaviour of the rotor.
Contact our expert:
Sales Stators & Rotors
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Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
Lohweg 1
30559 Hannover (Germany)
Tel. +49 511 – 53580
Fax +49 511 – 553394
Management board:
Dipl.-Kfm. Marius Jäger
Dipl.-Ing Sebastian Jäger
Registercourt Hannover HRB 59983
DE 813 341 233
Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
Artemis Kautschuk- und Kunststoff-Technik GmbH
Artemis PC Pump Systems Ltd.
Transportbandenfabriek EA Broekema B.V.
Broekema Beltway USA, Inc.
Jaeger Envirotech India Private Limited
Jäger Gummi und Kunststoff GmbH
Jaeger Maritime Solutions GmbH
Jaeger Polska Sp. z o.o.
Jaeger Rubber & Plastics (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Jäger Umwelt-Technik GmbH
Jaeger-Unitek Sealing Solutions, Inc.
Spira Systems, Ltd.
Windgassen GmbH